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Home/News/The National Key Laboratory for Deep Space Exploration was inaugurated at the USTC
The National Key Laboratory for Deep Space Exploration was inaugurated at the USTC

On April 22, the National Key Laboratory of Deep Space Exploration held its opening ceremony in joint support unit of the University of Science and Technology of China(USTC). Wu Yanhua, Chief designer of the major project of Deep Space Exploration , Academician Wu Weiren, Director of the Deep Space Exploration Laboratory(DSEL) and the National Key Laboratory, Shu Gequn, Secretary of the Party Committee of USTC, Zhou Congzhao, Standing member of the Party Committee and Vice President of the of USTC ,while,relevant representatives of DSEL and USTC attended the meeting. Wu Weiren and Shu Gequn jointly unveiled the nameplate of the National key laboratory.

During the discussion and exchange session, Prof. Wang Yuming, deputy director of the National Key Laboratory of Deep Space Exploration and dean of the Institute of Science and Technology in Deep Space of USTC, reported on the joint construction work of the key laboratory, that under the strong support and guidance of DSEL, the school fully fulfils its responsibilities, focused on the national strategic needs and laboratory development planning. With the Institute of Science and Technology in Deep Space as the specific construction unit, we will strengthen the organization and guidance of the university's multidisciplinary strengths, focus on forward-looking science and technology, make overall planning and integrated deployment in disciplines construction, personnel training, and scientific research, and fully support key laboratories in accelerating the construction of new driving forces and new advantages for development. Participants conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions on the follow-up construction and development of key laboratories.

       Wu Weiren pointed out that the key laboratory should meet the needs of major national deep space exploration projects, focus on the research fields of deep space technology, deep space science, deep space resources and deep space security, further give play to the advantages of science and education resources of USTC, accelerate the promotion of forward-looking and leading scientific and technological research, and strive to produce more original research results.

Wu Yanhua pointed out that the key laboratory is a state-level innovation platform leading the development of China's deep space exploration cause, and it is necessary to uphold the concept of openness, cooperation and sharing.It should unite domestic force to carry out international cooperation, and deeply participate in the research and implementation of major national deep space exploration projects.

Shu Gequn pointed out that the university implemented the strategic deployment of the Party's 20th National Congress report on the integration of education, science and technology and talents, took the National Key Laboratory of Deep Space Exploration as an important platform to actively serve the national strategy of space power and promote the in-depth development of science and education integration. And gave full play to the advantages of the university in basic research, emerging interdisciplinary disciplines, and talent training. In order to cultivate a group of outstanding young talents for the cause of deep space exploration in China.

We will further strengthen organized scientific research around the major tasks of deep space exploration, provide the source of cutting-edge scientific and technological innovation for the development of key laboratories.

The National Key Laboratory for Deep Space Exploration was officially approved in 2023, and was jointly established by the University of Science and Technology of China and the National Space Science Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. On April 24, 2023, at the launch ceremony of the 2023 annual "China Space Day" and the opening ceremony of the China Space Conference, the National Key Laboratory for Deep Space Exploration was officially listed and entered substantial operation.


4月22日, 深空探测全国重点实验室在联合依托单位中国科学技术大学举行揭牌仪式。深空探测重大专项总设计师吴艳华, 深空探测实验室主任兼深空探测全国重点实验室主任吴伟仁院士, 中国科学技术大学党委书记舒歌群, 党委常委、副校长周丛照以及深空探测实验室和中国科学技术大学相关代表出席。吴伟仁、舒歌群共同为重点实验室揭牌.

座谈交流环节中, 深空探测全国重点实验室副主任、中国科大深空科学技术研究院院长汪毓明教授作重点实验室共建工作汇报, 表示在主依托单位——深空探测实验室的大力支持和指导下, 学校充分落实联合依托单位职责, 紧密围绕国家战略需求和实验室发展规划, 以深空科学技术研究院为具体建设单位, 加强校内多学科优势力量的组织引导, 聚焦前瞻性科学和技术, 在学科建设、人才培养、科学研究等方面进行统筹谋划和一体部署, 全力支撑重点实验室加快构筑发展新动能新优势. 与会人员围绕重点实验室后续建设发展进行了深入交流研讨.

吴伟仁指出, 重点实验室应面向国家深空探测重大工程需求, 聚焦深空技术、深空科学、深空资源和深空安全等研究领域,  进一步发挥中国科大的科教资源优势, 加快推进前瞻性、引领性科技攻关, 争取产出更多原创性研究成果.

吴艳华指出, 重点实验室是引领我国深空探测事业发展的国家级创新平台, 要秉持开放、合作、共享理念, 广泛开展国际合作, 广泛联合国内优势单位, 全面支撑和深度参与国家深空探测重大工程任务论证立项和研制实施.

舒歌群指出, 学校贯彻落实党的二十大报告关于教育、科技、人才一体化推进的战略部署, 把深空探测全国重点实验室作为主动服务航天强国国家战略、推动科教融合深度发展的重要平台, 充分发挥学校在基础研究、新兴交叉学科、人才培养等优势, 围绕深空探测重大工程任务进一步加强有组织科研, 为重点实验室发展提供前沿科技创新源头活水, 为我国深空探测事业培养储备一批优秀青年人才.

深空探测全国重点实验室于2023年正式获批, 由深空探测实验室作为主依托单位, 联合中国科学技术大学和中国科学院国家空间科学中心共同组建。2023年4月24日, 2023年度“中国航天日”启动仪式暨中国航天大会开幕式上, 深空探测全国重点实验室正式挂牌, 进入实质运行.