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International Workshop on Planetary Sciences was successfully held

From June 10 to 11, the International workshop on Planetary Sciences was successfully held at the University of Science and Technology of China. Ten experts and scholars from the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Belgium, Switzerland and other countries made Keynote talks. Yuming Wang, Director of the Institute of Deep Space Science and Technology, Chaired the meeting.

The workshop invited well-known domestic and overseas experts and scholars in planetary sciences to discuss cutting-edge scientific issues such as the origin and early evolution of planetary systems, planetary exploration plans and latest achievements, the evolution of planetary habitability and the origin of life, and planetary dynamic processes.

The workshop was co-sponsored by the Center of Excellence in Comparative Planetology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the School of Earth and Space Sciences of the University of Science and Technology of China, and the National Key Laboratory of Deep Space Exploration. The workshop attracted nearly 200 participants online and offline, and the topics of the Keynote talks caused heated discussions on the spot. The workshop provides a platform for scholars from home and abroad to jointly explore scientific issues such as the origin of planets, and also provides an opportunity for further international scientific research cooperation in the future.


6月10日至11日,  行星科学研究国际研讨会在中国科学技术大学顺利举行,  来自美国、英国、法国、比利时、瑞士等国家的十位专家学者进行了专题报告,深空科学技术研究院院长汪毓明主持了会议.

本次会议邀请国内外行星科学研究的专家,  共同探讨行星系起源与早期演化、行星探测计划与最新成果、行星宜居性演变和生命起源、行星动力过程等前沿科学问题.

本次会议由中科院比较行星学卓越创新中心、中国科学技术大学地球和空间科学学院、深空探测全国重点实验室联合主办,  会议吸引了线上、线下近两百人参会,  专家学者的报告主题引起现场热烈讨论。本次会议为中外学者共同探索行星起源等科学问题提供了交流平台,  也为未来进一步的国际科研合作提供了契机.